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Capital Campaign Report

Philanthropy Missouri (formerly Gateway Center for Giving) produces an annual report on capital and endowment campaign efforts to connect, inform, and strengthen the philanthropic sector.

The trends highlighted in this report are significant for nonprofits considering launching a campaign, for grantmakers who fund capital and endowment projects, and for consultants and those who work with nonprofits to help identify needs and resources in the community.

Our Members are granted exclusive access to the full report, which includes insight into the current climate of major fundraising campaigns, categorization based on area of expertise and stage of the campaign, and contact information to follow up with each individual organization.

Members can click here to access the December 2020 version of the report.

A public version, with confidential information redacted, is also made available by interested community members.

A recent version of this resource is estimated to be published in 2025. Please send the Philanthropy Missouri team any questions you may have at