Funder Collaboratives
Philanthropy Missouri partners with several local grantmaker collaboratives and professional communities. We seek to amplify their work and support their ongoing contributions to the philanthropic sector.
Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy (EPIP)
Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy (EPIP) is a national network of change-makers who strive for excellence and equity in the practice of philanthropy. EPIP envisions a world where people of all identities can live full and prosperous lives, supported by a diverse, equitable, inclusive and effective philanthropic sector. EPIP St. Louis, one of 16 national chapters, is explicitly focused on addressing racial injustice, fostering systems change, and ultimately achieving equity in philanthropy. Safe space is created to allow emerging professionals to grow in their understanding of inequity and the way in which it impacts our region through professional and leadership development, mentoring, shared learning, advocacy and networking opportunities.
Foundant GLM Users Group
This is an informal gathering of organizations that utilize Foundant Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) as their grantmaking database; the group meets once a quarter to discuss different features, challenges, and techniques that can help facilitate the work. Meetings will rotate locations between the participating agencies; usually the group meets twice a year. Various levels of experience with Foundant GLM are represented.
Contact: Katy Keller (
Kansas City Early Education Funders Collaborative
Formed in 2014, the Kansas City Early Education Funders Collaborative seeks to support kindergartent readiness for all children in Greater Kansas City. The mission of the EEFC is to support the development of a high-quality early learning system that prepares children living in poverty, especially children of color, for success in kindergarten and beyond. Housed and staffed by the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
MOCAN Scholarship Network
The Missouri College Access & Attainment Network (MOCAN) launched the Scholarship Providers Network in 2023 to connect organizations that offer and fund local college scholarships. Members gather monthly for Scholarship Providers Share, a time to talk about news impacting scholarship administration, share best practices, and ask colleagues questions. The Network is collecting and sharing data about college affordability and identifying ways to make scholarship policies more student-friendly.
Contact: Kaitlyn Venta (
St. Louis 2020 Census Funders Working Group
The Census Funders Group was formed to support coordinated efforts that decrease under-counts and increase overall participation in the 2020 Census, with a particular focus on hard-to-count communities; reduce real and perceived barriers to census participation in the community; increase availability of culturally responsive and accurate census information to traditionally underrepresented communities; and build the capacity of traditionally under-counted communities to engage in the 2020 Census. The funders group awarded grants in late 2019 to over 30 organizations and continued to work with partners on the ground through summer 2020 to provide operational support and messaging updates as needed. The Funders Group hopes to continue to build on this work as a region, so that the region is prepared for the next decade’s census activity.
Contact: Michelle Miller (; Elizabeth George (
St. Louis Funders Learning and Evaluation Group (FLEG)
In 2015, a group of local funders and funder supporting individuals came together to share their own learning and evaluation strategies and how they intersect with those of their funded partners. FLEG emerged from these initial conversations and its members continue to actively seek to learn from one another, collaborate, and discuss possible opportunities for coordination and alignment. In addition, members explore together emerging
Contact: Complete their Interest Indicator Form or email:
Want to learn more? Check out their
Funded Partner Experience 8-20-19
FLEG Grantee Voice Funder Partner-Funder Engagement Feedback Report 2019
FLEG Funder Partner-Funder Honest Conversations 2021 Report FINAL