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Publications & Tools

Click on the Philanthropy Missouri resource titles below to learn more about each publication or tool.

Philanthropy Missouri (formerly Gateway Center for Giving) produces an annual report on capital and endowment campaign efforts to connect, inform, and strengthen the philanthropic sector.

The trends highlighted in this report are significant for nonprofits considering launching a campaign, for grantmakers who fund capital and endowment projects, and for consultants and those who work with nonprofits to help identify needs and resources in the community.

The Philanthropy Missouri (formerly Gateway Center for Giving) St. Louis Collaboration Directory catalogs significant cross-sector collaboration efforts that connect and serve our region.  A resource for grantmakers and the community at large, the directory is intended to foster knowledge-sharing and help provide context to potential partners as they consider opportunities to work together on issues of common concern. To suggest an edit, update or addition to this directory, please contact

The PhilMO team provides on-demand research exclusively for Members who want to know about giving trends and best practices in philanthropy.

Please email or call our office at (314) 621-6220 for more information about engaging PhilMO to assist with your customized research needs.

The Missouri Common Grant Application (CGA) Version 2.0 allows grantmakers and grantseekers to work from a common set of questions and definitions that reinforce solid nonprofit practices.