Program Staff Member Call: Let's Talk Site Visits

Open to: 
PhilMO Full Members (free) and Non-Member Funders (by invitation)
Thursday, September 26, 2024
10:00am to 11:00am CDT
Online via Zoom
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Let’s talk site visits!

Join your fellow program staff peers for a Member Call focusing on how PhilMO Members use site visits in their grantmaking practice.

For some Members, site visits are a crucial element prior to awarding a grant, especially for a first-time applicant or new program. Additionally, some Members include site visits during or at the conclusion of a grant. Site visits may offer opportunities for relationship-building and deepen understanding of the program being funded and those the program serves. Site visits are also resource-intensive — requiring time and tending by the funder and funded partner — and sometimes the act of observing unintentionally influences the work.

Our interactive conversation will ask participants to reflect and discuss:

  • Do you conduct site visits? At what point(s) in relationship with a community-based partner/nonprofit? What makes them effective? Do you have a particular process or guide that you follow?
  • Have you updated your approach to site visits? What informed those changes? What have you noticed about your new approach?
  • Have you sunset site visits? What informed that decision — and what have you noticed in their absence? 

… and what else are you curious about related to site visits? Please bring your questions!


Our Member Calls remain interactive and open to any interested grantmaking Member. We especially encourage staff who design and/or deploy grantmaking programs and initiatives to plan to join us — ideally, ready to chat with camera on!