Manager, Corporate Contributions & Community Initiatives, Ameren
D-Lori is responsible for managing Ameren’s charitable giving program supervising contributions made through charitable trusts, corporate funds and in-kind donations. D-Lori is instrumental in communicating Ameren’s vision of the future by establishing strategic alliances to ensure Ameren’s positive footprint in the community it serves. She recently joined the board of Heat-Up St. Louis.
Prior to transitioning to corporate America, D-Lori had been in the nonprofit development arena for several years serving as Director of Individual Giving, Student & Alumni Relations for The Consortium of Graduate Study in Management; Alumni Relations and Development Coordinator for St. Louis College of Pharmacy and Development Associate with United Way of Greater St. Louis in the Wood River, Illinois area.
D-Lori received a Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Business Administration from Fontbonne University. A native of Illinois, she and her husband Kevin, a professional baseball hitting instructor, reside in Fairview Heights, Illinois.
How does Philanthropy Missouri support your work in the philanthropic sector?
As member, I am able to connect with other leaders in the philanthropic sector to support impactful giving and strive for real results in our community. The communication resources provide a wealth of information and also allows for members to share with the broader community. Leveraging their relevant and robust programming has been beneficial to not only me but our entire contribution's team.